Saturday, 12 December 2009

Session 7 notes on lecture

Modernism- Modern thought, character, or practice. Sympathy with or conformity to modern ideas, practices, or standards.

Postmodernism- of or relating to art, architecture, or literature that reacts against earlier modernist principles, as by reintroducing traditional or classical elements of style or by carrying modernist styles or practices to extremes.

1939 British social structure rigid class. Structure with the upper and middle class.
Second world war had a profound effect on the way british people saw themselves.

What is class? Economics, jobs- how it defines you. How has it changed? Education access has changed (loans). Who is you audience? Language you use, work you show. Groupings and how you define those groups.

1950s- a watershed period for British culture. Increased individualism

Rebel without a cause, 1955. James Dean- influence these films had on consumer culture. How design aspects become important. Car ownership grew 1951-1961.

Futurism- futurist typography.
1915- design and industries association established. Design could be used to develop society. Man was in charge of his or her destiny.
State sponsored art and design (government)
Clash between American (good design is an upwards sales curve) and British (a force for social change to help rebuild a nation recovering from war) design.

Historical Development
Authorities. Description of design or art as ‘fashion’, ethical and moral restraints of ‘good design’.
Key postmodernist theorists. Baudrillard. History of art , Modia and design Foucault

Postmodernism. Difficult to locate historically, not clear when postmodernism began. Postmodernist architecture.
Michael Beutler- dobbles and burgers 2008
Mike Nelson- artist that creates rooms.
Postmodernism (roughly dating from 1945)- Jean Clay 1970 quote.
Conceptual art

Graphic Design
Eskilson (XXXX) post-modern, the return of expressionism
Post-modern response. PUNK- convention to society
Yves Saint Laurent- Modernist.
Elsa Schiaparelli- Post-modern fashion designer.

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